Do you write your letters to others or take notes in cursive, or are you like most people who take notes on your phone?
Do you ever bemoan the lost art of cursive writing and all the fun you had making loops and artsy connected letters?
Many schools do not currently teach handwriting, though they do teach printing and kids use keyboards. In a time when keyboarding is the main way many of us communicate, Rachelle Doorley’s new book, Creative Adventures in Cursive, helps kids and adults find new ways to practice their unique cursive skills and signature “font.” For those who want to revive handwriting amongst children and the adults who love them, check out this book.
If you’ve been bemoaning this lost art and spending too much time keyboarding away, have no fear: You too can still have fun with cursive! Doorley’s adorable and chock full of artsy ideas book is a must-have for clever and creative ways to get individuals of all ages hooked on having fun doing art projects that cause cursive script to complete the project. Ms. Doorley is well known in creative circles for her popular creativity blog Tinkerlab and her previous book: TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors.
As a person who teaches both crafting and writing workshops for individuals of all ages and who throws parties dedicated to the art of the handwritten letter, has a letter writing service and loves artsy ways to tie these interests together, this book is a must for my teaching book repertoire.
One especially clever way to showcase kids ( or your own ) cursive talents is with Doorley’s sugar cookie with royal icing and icing pipette bags to handwrite a word or name on each cookie. Clever and yummy too. Book has complete directions, materials, and supplies lists and tips for each project, as well as good photos.
I’ll be sure to use this book for an upcoming 2 part afterschool Kids Cursive Club I’ll be co-teaching with a colleague in Santa Monica in November and December! Check back HERE for more information on this class closer to the time, as well as other classes currently offered at JOYFESTIVAL Industries.
And if you want even more cursive information on this topic for kids, see what classes are trending on the topic at Paper Source right now. You can find the details of their class and others HERE.
Stay tuned for even more ways to have fun with the art of letter writing and the art of card and letter writing, whether you’re writing in cursive or not.
Send me news or photos of your latest creative cursive writing adventures at [email protected]