Sign up for Free Great Tips on Adding Just the Right Message Inside Greeting Cards You Write or Send!

Whether you wish to send a special card to someone to wish them congratulations, or you’re trying to find the right visual message and sentiment for someone going through a challenge, we specialize in helping you get the right card(s) for that person you’re trying to connect with, so your message can hopefully reach their heart. If you’re wanting to get together for a gathering to express creativity, or you’re trying to create a meaningful soiree for laughter and good things, you’ll find this here too.
Joyfestival Industries offers a bespoke handmade greeting cards business, and offers other creative programs for crafting, writing and wellness events and workshops. MORE ABOUT JOYFESTIVAL INDUSTRIES...
Custom Cards
Sending cards is like mailing joy! It’s about connecting and bringing others happiness. Explore our gallery of unique handmade card creations and shop the store for one of a kind handmade cards to bring you and others joy.Amy’s crafting and writing programs are exciting and fun, and always well-attended. The participants ask for more of the same afterward!
Stephanie Archer, Montana Avenue Branch Manager
Amy’s constant flow of creative ideas are built on a solid foundation of knowledge and sense of purpose. She connects with children and adults with equal facility, enthusiasm, and kindness. Her meaningful, interactive programs are a way to connect about “joy,” and learn new things too.
Jean Katz, MA
It was simply intriguing to see what could be done to cause people to be in such a positive frame of mind. With her inspiring words and simple, refreshing ways to encourage participants to join in with their own thoughts, one can't help leaving these events feeling relaxed, satisfied and content to have been there and to have met others who are receptive to the notion being put forward by Amy at that event, whether it's joy, gratitude, laughter, or any other positive feeling!
Harriet W.
I appreciate Amy bringing her teaching expertise to share creative ways to inspire and reignite my writing spark!
Miryam Sarnat
All Amy's themes are designed to remind us that none of us is alone - and that there are ways to find a bright spot, no matter what's going on in our lives, and to be able to share the positives, which actually serves to make ourselves and whoever we're sharing with feel so much better. I can't think of anyone else with such a fertile imagination who can keep coming up with such great ideas, and implementing them the way she does!
Mrs. Weinreich
I’m walking out of this Happiness Room, a conscious person. It changed my attitude for the day, maybe the week and it didn’t take a village. Amy Muscoplat is a creative genius.
Blanche Moss
Your parties have a theme and a “real soul” to them.
Rachel Mahgerefteh
Thank you for always having so many great, uplifting ideas… You always make me want to spring into action, which means a lot! And thank you for the Joyfest and the infection of positivity around it!
Vera Liebenthal
Thank you for being the joy-mistress of our lives. Your evening soirees (and daytime party “matinees”) have been such a positive force in my life – and now in the lives of the public as well. Onward in strength and in joy.
Miriam G.