Create colorful and unique one of a kind greeting cards for all occasions. Get lots of creative card making materials (if you need inspiration for this one, take a look at the C3 Joyfestival gathering kit! You can also look here.) Grab all of your View Post
Gratitude Journals
Take a simple notebook or small journal book and decorate to your heart’s content. You can print out labels for the inside of these notebooks that say, “My Gratitude Journal” or “Happiness Room Journaling” or whatever you’d like. This notebook is View Post
Vision Boarding
Your vision board will be a collection of images, words, photos, drawings, affirmations and anything that focuses on your goals and makes you happy. Creating one can help you conceptualize your ideas and focus and help you motivate to accomplish your View Post
Creating Gratitude Jars
This is a similar idea to a gratitude bag, but in a jar you can make look pretty and have sit on your kitchen counter or somewhere visible. Here, you will decorate a small container in which you'll be able to keep notes and memories of things that View Post
Crafting Bags of Gratitude
I was once inspired by my friend, Lois, to start writing things down when I was grateful, on little pieces of paper and putting them in a pretty fabric bag. When I need to, I take them out and read them to be inspired by the blessings in my life. View Post
Idea To Consider For Being Happy
You Can be Right or You Can Be Happy Do you ever think about how, in certain situations, you could be right or you could be happy? Our own attitude and choice of how to feel is up to us, even if the other party is acting the way they are. It’s a View Post
DIY: Thanksgiving Day Memory Plate
How to Make a Thanksgiving Day Keepsake Plate For this Thanksgiving holiday, think about creating a beautiful decorative plate to display when you gather with loved ones on this holiday of gratitude, or for other upcoming winter holidays. Here, I’ll View Post
Essential Things for Making Small & Artsy Succulent Creations
Thinking about creating a miniature succulent “garden” in a container or pot you craft with your own artistic style? Over the years, I’ve taught programs and hosted gatherings for a variety of organizations where participants have had the View Post
What We Do: With Strength & Joy!
There are many different activities, ideas and thoughts you can do to bring yourself joy. At Joyfestival Industries, we enjoy offering services that can help you help yourself and others with this important “upping your joy quotient” life project! View Post
Everything Grows with Love
When I pay attention to what is working instead of what isn’t, I have a better chance of winnowing out the wheat from the chaff of seeing what’s important and what’s not in life. And in seeing that everything grows with love. A friend recently View Post