In life, we sometimes need accountability buddies. Have you found that in “difficult-to-start” new projects, you sometimes need a person to help you stay accountable: an accountability buddy? I have! I’m not talking about a coach or a mental health View Post
How to Create a Life Pie That Gets You Delicious Results!
Human beings are often human doings. We often too easily discount how much we do accomplish or how far we’ve come, and can forget to look back and see that where we are now is possibly exactly where we wanted to be with a goal we set for ourselves View Post
Idea To Consider For Being Happy
You Can be Right or You Can Be Happy Do you ever think about how, in certain situations, you could be right or you could be happy? Our own attitude and choice of how to feel is up to us, even if the other party is acting the way they are. It’s a View Post
Everything Grows with Love
When I pay attention to what is working instead of what isn’t, I have a better chance of winnowing out the wheat from the chaff of seeing what’s important and what’s not in life. And in seeing that everything grows with love. A friend recently View Post
Make Choices that Help Shine Your Light!
I’ve been thinking about choice for the last few months. There’s always a choice in my thoughts, but do know I have a choice before I just make one or take one without thinking about it? There’s a choice about how I take care of myself and a choice View Post
Life is a Lot Like Lasagna!
Life is a lot like lasagna. We get the different layers we need, not always when we want them, but they all have to be there to make up the full lasagna dish. My favorite part is the cheese. I just love, love, love melted cheese. But if I only had View Post
Growing a Positivity Bias!
I'm attracted to a positivity bias. In fact, I just read a book with that title! Often though, I find I don't necessarily default with going to the best outlook on my first thought out of the gate. But then I hopefully remember I can choose View Post
Grow JOY
Do you remember hearing about the controversial studies that show how plants that were told nice words and loving words grew better than those that were talked to harshly or negatively? Which do I choose more often: to speak kindly or harshly to View Post
Goal-Setting 101 | Celebrate Past Victories and Create New Dreams!
If your email inbox or WhatsApp group messages are like mine this beginning of 2019, you’ve seen a number of messages that have advice about making new year’s resolutions or not making new year’s resolutions or one I got this morning that said, View Post
Dealing with Life’s Challenges and Indignities the Best You Can!
Dealing with daily indignities or crummy stuff in a delightful way is hardly easy. And still, it’s a great skill for navigating life with moxie, pluck and more happiness. Our lives are not free from challenge, nor is it reasonable to expect View Post