Sometimes in life, we want friends, colleagues, and people we need to be accountable to in a variety of settings to be things they are not. We'd like parents (or whomever) to be “one-stop shops.” Often, we have a way of doing things that is View Post
Soaking up CALM | Using Good Memories to Hold on to the Positive!
Think of a positive memory from the last week or the last month and let yourself bask in it. Soak up the calm and use the good memories to help chase dark moods away and hopefully hold on longer to recent good and positive feelings you've had. One View Post
Rediscovering Joy via Childhood Hobbies & Passions
Want an easy fix for finding joy? Try to remember what it was you loved to do when you were ages 6 or 7 and why you loved it. Or think about what you most enjoyed in early elementary school. If you can remember the things you enjoyed doing solely View Post
Goal-Setting 101 | Celebrate Past Victories and Create New Dreams!
If your email inbox or WhatsApp group messages are like mine this beginning of 2019, you’ve seen a number of messages that have advice about making new year’s resolutions or not making new year’s resolutions or one I got this morning that said, View Post
Dealing with Life’s Challenges and Indignities the Best You Can!
Dealing with daily indignities or crummy stuff in a delightful way is hardly easy. And still, it’s a great skill for navigating life with moxie, pluck and more happiness. Our lives are not free from challenge, nor is it reasonable to expect View Post