Human beings are often human doings. We often too easily discount how much we do accomplish or how far we’ve come, and can forget to look back and see that where we are now is possibly exactly where we wanted to be with a goal we set for ourselves View Post
Everything Grows with Love
When I pay attention to what is working instead of what isn’t, I have a better chance of winnowing out the wheat from the chaff of seeing what’s important and what’s not in life. And in seeing that everything grows with love. A friend recently View Post
Up Your Joy By Giving to Others
It’s human nature to feel better when we help other people. And when we help others, we feel more connected to them, to the greater world and to the universe as a whole in positive ways. Whatever your talent is, if you can find a way to use it to View Post
Be Busy with What You Care About!
So often, we say, “I’m busy,” or “I’m so busy,” and hopefully we’re blessed and able to add in the small line after that says, “well, at least I’m busy with good things.” Do we often stop to contemplate some of what is making us busy View Post
Cards, Crafts & Connection!
C3= Cards, Crafts & Connection Do you love to receive mail or send mail to others? Snail mail that is! Are you into handmade cardmaking or papercrafting? If you follow this blog or website, you know I am...that’s for sure. I often joke that View Post
CreativiDAYS: We’re all Creative in One Way or Another!
A few years ago, I checked out a book entitled How to be Creative If You Never Thought You Could, by Tera Leigh. I was doing many creative things but was still intrigued by the process of what it took to "think" of myself as View Post
Stretching Further with Courage and Faith
At a recent small gathering of friends, we decided to take stock and celebrate all the good and positive things in all of our lives this past year.One theme we spoke about was faith and courage versus nervousness, doubt, anxiety and fears and the View Post
Knowing the Hardware Store Doesn’t Sell Bread Brings Calm
How can we live our best lives in the face of seeming adversity and still think about raising our joy quotient? One way is to think about how we relate to less than ideal interpersonal situations. If we’re not harboring unrealistic expectations View Post
Your SUCCESS lies in your Future
I do a lot of workshops teaching about gratitude and I also do workshops on vision boarding/envisioning your best life all around, in a variety of venues and with different groups and ages. One thing I notice time and again is that everyone has View Post
Help Ease the Blues in Little Ways
I am a very upbeat and positive person. But I too have days when its a struggle to pull myself out of my blue mood and back into the light. I don’t know if this is universal, but I’ve had lots of people tell me they can relate to that feeling over View Post