Focusing on our wellbeing is so important and there’s a lot of good information out there. Throughout this past year, I have found that in the vast array of ideas and resources that cross my path, the following 5 are in my regular round up and go-to View Post
Sign Up & Receive Super Tips to Vision Boarding Success
Hi Friend, Have you ever thought about making a vision board, or made one and wished you had more success with it? We hear about making them, but did you know there's more to it than just cutting out pictures from magazines that speak to you and View Post
What We Do: With Strength & Joy!
There are many different activities, ideas and thoughts you can do to bring yourself joy. At Joyfestival Industries, we enjoy offering services that can help you help yourself and others with this important “upping your joy quotient” life project! View Post
What is a JOYFEST you ask? And how does it differ from the other joyfestivals? A JOYFEST is really a BIG party to induce joy. One year we filled the bathtub, made handmade paper boats and floated them down the river we mad with buckets and bins. View Post
What’s a Celebrate Life Soiree?
Gratitude may not take away things that aren’t so great, but it may make you feel happier about those things that are great. When you share those feelings about things that are going well with others, you multiply everyone’s good feelings, whether View Post
What’s a Happiness Room & How Could YOU Benefit from Making One?
Everyone needs a haven for self-care and that looks different for each individual. We often yearn to find an oasis of calm or joy in the midst of our busy and/or stressful lives in order to find a sense of personal wellness. This can be a View Post
Cards, Crafts & Connection!
C3= Cards, Crafts & Connection Do you love to receive mail or send mail to others? Snail mail that is! Are you into handmade cardmaking or papercrafting? If you follow this blog or website, you know I am...that’s for sure. I often joke that View Post
Grow JOY
Do you remember hearing about the controversial studies that show how plants that were told nice words and loving words grew better than those that were talked to harshly or negatively? Which do I choose more often: to speak kindly or harshly to View Post
Stretching Further with Courage and Faith
At a recent small gathering of friends, we decided to take stock and celebrate all the good and positive things in all of our lives this past year.One theme we spoke about was faith and courage versus nervousness, doubt, anxiety and fears and the View Post
Dealing with Life’s Challenges and Indignities the Best You Can!
Dealing with daily indignities or crummy stuff in a delightful way is hardly easy. And still, it’s a great skill for navigating life with moxie, pluck and more happiness. Our lives are not free from challenge, nor is it reasonable to expect View Post