Think of a positive memory from the last week or the last month and let yourself bask in it. Soak up the calm and use the good memories to help chase dark moods away and hopefully hold on longer to recent good and positive feelings you've had. One View Post
Rediscovering Joy via Childhood Hobbies & Passions
Want an easy fix for finding joy? Try to remember what it was you loved to do when you were ages 6 or 7 and why you loved it. Or think about what you most enjoyed in early elementary school. If you can remember the things you enjoyed doing solely View Post
Goal-Setting 101 | Celebrate Past Victories and Create New Dreams!
If your email inbox or WhatsApp group messages are like mine this beginning of 2019, you’ve seen a number of messages that have advice about making new year’s resolutions or not making new year’s resolutions or one I got this morning that said, View Post
Self Care for the New Year
“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” Rainer Maria RilkeIt’s that time of year where we start to think about all the accomplishments from the past year and start trying to identify all of our goals for this new View Post
Knowing the Hardware Store Doesn’t Sell Bread Brings Calm
How can we live our best lives in the face of seeming adversity and still think about raising our joy quotient? One way is to think about how we relate to less than ideal interpersonal situations. If we’re not harboring unrealistic expectations View Post
Flipping Your Circuit Breaker to JOYFUL
Recently I gave a speech on the power of positivity while living with spondylitis to the Spondylitis Association of America and it was a wonderful occasion in my life. This is a great organization and a real asset to those who are living with either View Post
Help Ease the Blues in Little Ways
I am a very upbeat and positive person. But I too have days when its a struggle to pull myself out of my blue mood and back into the light. I don’t know if this is universal, but I’ve had lots of people tell me they can relate to that feeling over View Post
Spring Forward Towards the Positive! Raising your Joy Quotient
It's the start of a new week and the clocks just shifted to spring us all forward in our lives. I'm sure a lot of us are thinking about the new week and all that we'd like to do and how we'd like to be and I'm no different. At the beginning of View Post